Good practice and ethics are unavoidable undertakings for the human team at Hidroten S.A. from the beginning of the company. The company’s progress eagerness materializes in the development and maintenance of a trusting relationship in the national and international areas where it operates, as well as for all the corporate and financial agents it is linked to, ensuring also competitiveness as a strategic factor. Therefore, Hidroten S.A. provides and boosts an ethical behaviour which fosters the trusting relationship between the company and the agents involved. Its human team considers good reputation as an essential intangible asset which fosters internal and external relationships.

In order to achieve this purpose, the Direction of Hidroten S.A. declares its commitment and responsibility in the implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of an integrated management system of Compliance. This is based on the following ethical structural principles:

Hidroten S.A.’s reputation and prestige are its business card.
Hidroten S.A. has a strong reputation due to its vast experience and a trustworthy and loyal human team engaged with the values and the know-how which constitute the entity’s ethical culture.
Hidroten S.A. commits to the strictest compliance of law and human rights.
Thus, all the actions of Hidroten S.A. and the people working there strictly respect the law, human rights and public freedom, as well as it will take all the measures necessary to ensure respect for fundamental rights, arm’s length standards and no discrimination principles, protection against child labour and any other principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on human rights, labour rights, environmental rights and anti-corruption fight.
Within its professional activity, any entity or person that contributes to or is related to Hidroten S.A. shall expeditiously respect the legal system in force, the Ethical Code and the company’s Internal Regulation on behaviour and control.

Hidroten S.A. subscribes a commitment of confidentiality and transparency in all relationships.
Hidroten S.A. operates so that its financial return keeps and increases the company’s real value in order to properly remunerate the shareholder’s investment and efforts.
Hidroten S.A. commits to protect and foster its human resources.
The people of the Hidroten S.A. human team are a fundamental factor for its success. Hidroten S.A. promotes career development of people, taking into account the possible balance between its goals as a company and the needs and expectations of its employees. Additionally, it fosters the continuous adaptation and improvement of the skills and abilities of the entire organization. In particular, Labour Risk Prevention is a priority for Hidroten S.A. and that’s why it is committed to provide all the necessary means to eliminate or reduce the labour risks of all the people working for the company.

Hidroten S.A. respects and is committed to the Community and the environment
Hidroten S.A. is firmly committed to the environment protection and respect and it operates on the premise of minimizing negative environmental impacts and preventing pollution. And in order to do so, it promotes research, development and innovation aimed to improve its processes as well as the company trains its employees and professionals on the proper environmental management and the best practice on natural heritage.
Its local, national and international commitment is materialized in the development and promotion of initiatives focused on improving the life quality of the people living in the communities where it operates as well as in its environment.
Hidroten S.A. expects a proactive and participative performance of all the professionals working for it, consistent with this commitment to the community, especially regarding social action and respect for the social, financial, cultural and linguistic environments of the countries where the company operates.
Hidroten S.A. subscribes a commitment of confidentiality and transparency in all relationships
Protection of confidential information. In general, the addressees of this Ethics Code will not be able to use the information that they know as a consequence of their relationship with Hidroten S.A. to obtain a personal advantage, nor they will facilitate it in any case to a third party.